This picture is that of notorious, and disrespectful police Coporal AMINA, who was rapidly promoted to the rank of ASP within a period of 12months by the current IGP IDRIS.
She is one of the numerous concubines of the IGP.
She visited the IGP in his office during official hours without wearing her uniform, and has the audacity to take a shot with the IGP,on the 15th September 2017.
She wields more powers than most senior officers..
She wields more powers than most senior officers..
In another development, It was alleged that a secret wedding took place between the IGP Ibrahim Idris and his juniour police woman called Asta, who is carrying a 4 month old pregnancy for him as a result of illicit sexual affair he is having with her out of wedlock.
Where lies police rules and regulation?
What a negative turn of event afflicting the police, unfortunately in a transparent Government like this. A Woman/DSP ASTA of the police Air wing. He gave her rapid promotions, and rented for her a flat in maitama, where he spends the night frequently to the detriment of his wife, who is the daughter of etsu nupe.
However, on the questionable promotions as raised by courageous senator Missau, is it not a fact that these errand boys of his were promoted over and above others ? i.e CP Anambara Mr Garba was an ACP last year and was promoted to CP within a year;
Mr Ali Janga was also an ACP last year and was promoted to the rank of DCP in less than 12 months and again acting CP couple of weeks ago and was posted to replace a vibrant CP in kogi;
Mr Muawiya was DSP last year, now promoted SP the same year and CSP this 3 months ago, he is now CSO Govt house kano:
Mr kolo of Federal SARS, was promoted to the rank of CSP just last year and now ACP, Surprisingly his name was among those sent to Police Service Commission for elevation to DCP.
These are just few facts of the ongoing mess in the Police Force.
However, on the questionable promotions as raised by courageous senator Missau, is it not a fact that these errand boys of his were promoted over and above others ? i.e CP Anambara Mr Garba was an ACP last year and was promoted to CP within a year;
Mr Ali Janga was also an ACP last year and was promoted to the rank of DCP in less than 12 months and again acting CP couple of weeks ago and was posted to replace a vibrant CP in kogi;
Mr Muawiya was DSP last year, now promoted SP the same year and CSP this 3 months ago, he is now CSO Govt house kano:
Mr kolo of Federal SARS, was promoted to the rank of CSP just last year and now ACP, Surprisingly his name was among those sent to Police Service Commission for elevation to DCP.
These are just few facts of the ongoing mess in the Police Force.
Character is the foundation of leadership. The senator being a retired police officer saw the dangerous curve the police is taking, which may end up bastardising the image of the Police Force in the sight of public and other sister agencies, and quickly raised an alarm, but alas his was a LONE VOICE in the wilderness, but as the ravaging fire begins to spread its fangs to nooks and crany of this country and the globe at large, posterity will curse all but the senator whose golden voice of today will ever remain shining example of stewardship.

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