Our crack-team of investigators has risked life and limbs to bring you these shocking revelations. In the following pages we will reveal some the Illuminati’s most powerful members.
1. Barack Obama
all know that president Obama is a communist-Muslim who is trying to
undermine America as we know it, but that is far from his only agenda.
Obama is also a high ranking member of the Illuminati and his subversive
plans for America fall into a larger scheme to augment the secret
society’s power.2. Ellen DeGeneres
In exchange for her services, mostly in the form of subliminal propaganda campaigns, the Illuminati is actively working to fulfill Ellen’s ultimate goal: a take-over of Australia, followed by a banishment of all male homosexuals therein, turning the country into the world’s first lesbian colony, and establishing her as Queen of the Lesbians.
3. Jay Z
He has now risen to become the head of the Illuminati’s entertainment arm, where it is his duty to influence young people in whatever matter he is ordered to by the elusive society’s leadership
4. Adam Levine
Know this, Adam Levine is an Illuminati agent and he has managed to infiltrate pop-culture. We must be watchful of his douchebaggery.
5. June Shannon
6. Snooki
The Illuminati also deal in large-scale honey-pot operations. It recruits some of the world’s most beautiful and sophisticated women to seduce the world’s most influential men in order influence or later blackmail their decision making.
Look no further than Snooki, of Jersey Shore fame. we uncovered documents stating that she was recruited to lure and seduce men like the secretary general of the United Nations; Ban Ki-moon, as well as Nelson Mandela, Steve Jobs and Tyler Perry. All of these powerful men have succumbed to her classy allure and subsequently become pawns for the secret society.7. Paula Deen
She meticulously promotes and sells unhealthy food to lower income Americans in an operation meant to “thin the heard.” Paula Deen’s food products, sold in super markets across the United States, are secretly laced with crack as well.
8. Iggy Azalea
9. Tom, From MySpace
An inside informant, with great risk to his life, recounted that Tom from MySpace, and June Shannon (the mother of Honey Boo Boo) concocted the brilliant plan to gain access to everyone’s personal and financial information via a massive social networking site.
Our informant later dropped this bombshell: Tom is Honey Boo Boo’s real father. When Mama June became pregnant, Tom wanted out of the Illuminati because he did not want his child involved in their dangerous, high-stakes game of world domination. Which in turn led to his rebelling against the organization and sabotaging MySpace from within, leading to the websites sudden downfall.
Tom was never heard from again, and to this day, he remains a hero to those who struggle against the Illuminati.
10. Justin Bieber
We’ve saved the most dangerous piece of evidence for last; the only known picture of the Illuminati’s leader. The brave reporter who obtained the picture was killed in the process. His name was Barry McCociner. His heroism will forever be remembered, his memory will live on, and we will expose the Illuminati in your honor. We miss you Barry.
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